今天议会中question time的几个看点

This blog was published on 12 September 2007 and may be out of date.

无事,预测一下今天议会中的什么讨论会出现在晚间新闻当中。以下英文资料来自Parliamentary hansard。(翻译过来,大概就是议事记录之类的东西吧)

  • GORDON COPELAND to the Attorney-General: Will the Government support my New Zealand Bill of Rights (Private Property Rights) Amendment Bill given that former Labour Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer has said publicly that “I took a deliberate decision to exclude this in the 1980s but on reflection I believe it should be included” in reference to the protection of property rights by the Bill of Rights?

Gordon Copeland就是那位从United Future脱队的议员。因为他不是选区议员,因此为了保持上镜率而保证下次能够继续议会,总得搞些事情出来。

Bill of Rights人权法案是纽西兰不成文宪法中最重要的一部分——看名字就知道了,是当年的工党总理 Geoffrey Palmer —— 一名可怕的法学专家所提出的。Gordon Copeland提议的修正案中要在法案中再次明确上个人拥有,享受和保持私人财产,和其他的一些相关权利。

这个主意虽然有点无聊—-财产权是传统风俗的一部分,也就是说,它已经包括在了“不成文宪法” 当中,但是写进人权法案中,也是有一定代表意义的。不过,负责审查此法案的the Justice and Electoral select committee虽然认为法案主意很好,但是加进去只会造成和现有法案的潜在冲突问题。

连 立场极右的Gordon Copeland自己都说,这个修正法案主要的目的就是对付Resource Management Act,财主们最痛恨的法案之一。很明显他在试图剥夺地方政府处理发展和环境问题的权利——幸好这条法案看上去不大可能成功了。不过对党魁Peter Dunne,这也是轮回哇,自己从工党跳出来(不过实话说,当时的工党是很糟糕),现在又被人跳了一回。

  • KEITH LOCKE to the Minister in charge of the NZ Security Intelligence Service: Can she confirm that she knows which foreign government is behind cyber attacks on New Zealand Government computer systems but will not say who; if so, is her reluctance to name names in any way related to New Zealand’s free trade talks with China?

Keith Locke,可能很多华人对这位绿党议员不熟悉,但说起在Newmartket裸奔的那件事就都知道了…这家伙胆子有点小,不敢全裸。

反共的事情多半都是由绿党提出的,不过我觉得这个要求很合理,负责情报部门的总理海伦阿姨没有理由拒绝透露究竟是那个国家干的这种事情,毕竟国家安全人人有责 嘛。是中国,就早点说清楚,也没有必要瞒,免得连累海伦阿姨把自己弄得说不清楚洗不干净;是俄罗斯或者其他国家,也得至少说一下。

  • PANSY WONG to the Minister for ACC: Does she stand by heranswers to questions for written answer 13711 (2007) and 14994 (2007) dated 8 August and 27 August respectively, that she is not aware of any investigation by external authorities into any of the private investigators ACC hires; if so, why?

