


但在国外就不一样了,为了选票,政客一直试图把自己打扮得很亲民,facebook等web 2.0服务均有官方页面(当然,暂且不提那些政客自己对其基本是一窍不通,都是靠职员帮忙),奥巴马的选举已经证明了青年投票有决定性的作用。不过Twitter在新西兰的政界还是一个比较新的东西,据我所知,用的人有,但不多,而且很多都处于半私人状态,并没有公开联系帐号。

我一直知道Twitter上面有人在模仿工党和国家党的一些议员,可最后终于有人把它当真了……而且是我们的总理,在愚人节当天(来源:Parliamentary hansard):

Hon JOHN KEY: I seek leave to table David Cunliffe’s Twitter statement where he says that he should be given more chances to answer questions in the House, that he would “kick their proverbials” if he was given more of a chance, and that if he is not given the chance—

Mr SPEAKER: The Prime Minister must resume his seat [Interruption] And that member will resume his seat, as well. When I am on my feet, even the Prime Minister will resume his seat. I will not tolerate that rule being breached further. Leave has been sought to table a Twitter statement. Is there any objection to that document being tabled? There is objection.

Hon David Cunliffe: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Standing

Hon David Cunliffe: Standing Orders provide a remedy for misrepresentation. I submit to you that the Prime Minister has misrepresented me.

Hon Dr Michael Cullen: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. You allowed the Prime Minister, in seeking leave to table a document, to read at great length from a document that cannot have come from my colleague, because he does not have a Twitter account. Somebody else has done it.

Hon David Cunliffe: My personal explanation is simply that I do not have, and have never had, an account on the Internet site Twitter. I have never sent a tweet and I have never even, to my knowledge, received a tweet. So whoever it was who made that statement, it could not have been me. I leave it to members to surmise who may be behind this jack-up.


至于这起事件的后续,有新闻说操纵这些假Twitter的人是一名右翼blogger,我想我知道是谁。不过这事件也直接导致了真货们考虑开设twitter页面,Phil Goff,工党党魁,最近就开始使用Twitter和选民交流

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